Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What it would be like

I watched a documentary on HBO yesterday called "Shot in the Dark". It was about this guys search for his father. He was doing this to see what he missed out on in life. It got me thinking, which sometimes shouldn't be done. Anyway, would I be different if my parents had stayed together? I don't know how to answer this except for the fact that when my parents got divorced and I moved away with my mom, I met the best friends a person could ask for. They had a huge effect on why I am the way I am. Of course now that I am a little older, I don't talk to most of them, just the ones who are my true friends. So by thinking about that, I think that I wouldn't be the same person I am today without the divorce. I think I would be more of a loner. You see, my dad and I didn't get along to well. IF my parents would have stayed together, I don't think that I would have had the opportunities that I had growing up. Sure, I would have learned how to shave from him, but I did that on my own. I also could've had my first beer with him, but I did that with my friends. It's just the little things that I kind of missed out on. Things like having your dad shake your hand after he found out your were finally a man, or him being there on the day you graduate high school. You know, the little stuff. Am I upset about this? Not as much as you might think. I know that I have issues that come from this, but everyone has issues. Everyone has their own little quirks that makes them different. Mine just happens to be this. But what I realized from the show last night is that if I ever want to resolve whatever issues I may have, I am going to have to be the bigger man and make the first step. Well actually it would be my second step to his none, but who is counting.

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