Thursday, June 7, 2007

Like, You Know, Like, Yeah That's Hot

This is the face of our future. FUCK!
My buddy and I went to lunch today, like we normally do during work. I ordered my food and he ordered his. I found a booth and put my stuff there, then headed up to get a drink. What I didn't notice until after it was pointed out to me, was the fact that in the next booth there were 5 teenage girls. Fuck. Teenage girls piss me off. Not only are they loud, but they also giggle way too much. Anyway, back to my first rant. Oh yeah, the language that was coming out of their mouths was ridiculous. Let me give you an example:
Teenage Girl # 1: So, like, he said this and like I was like yeah and then he was like so, and I was like like you know. (insert giggles here)
Teenage Girl # 2: I totally understand, like what you are like talking about like, yeah (insert more irritating fuckin giggles here)
I looked at my buddy and we both start to laugh. Then he came to a conclusion on why these girls were talking like that. Paris Fucking Hilton! The "NEW MTV" generation at it's finest. It's because of people like Paris Hilton, todays' youth is dumb. But this problem can't totally, like be blamed on like these celebrities. Like, what about, like the people that, like make them famous. Fuck! They like got me. Fuck! Got me again.
Think of some of the shit that is on TV and ask yourself why is it on TV? I was like totally watching VH1 the other day and saw an episode of "Flavor of Love" or whateve it's called. Man, that show is garbage. But it was the only thing on at the time, so I watched it. I could have shit out a better show than that. But that is just my point. That show is just one of a million other shows just like it. So what else is there to watch? Nothing good.
We need to blame the producers of these shows as well as the dumbass celebrities that appear on them. Now when a good show comes along, like "Freaks & Geeks" or "Firefly", it gets cancelled. Forever gone from our lives. All we have are the old episodes that we have watched 50,000 times already. Wait, what's that. They have a show called "My Sweet 16" on MTV. Oh my god, thats like totally awesome like yeah. Have you ever watched that show. I don't think there is a decent person on that show. The 16 yeard old girls are fuckin stupid, along with their "I will do anything for you" god damn retarded parents. And then other teenage girls watch this shit and want to be like them. It makes me sick.
So what can be done about this stupidity epidemic going around? I don't know, i'm not a fuckin scientist. But I do know that if this trend about like yeah like so totally cool like people are on TV, then I am going to be reading an awful lot of books. I am dumb enough, I don't need Paris Hilton to help get dumber.

1 comment:

tylerdurdan said...

however, there is something strangely satisfying about banging the dumbest chick ever. i still wanna. only if i had a time machine to go back before she was a skank ho. I might end up in her moms uteris though.