Friday, June 22, 2007

Hey haven't seen you in a while

It's been a while since I have posted on here, and I guess I have some explainging to do.

First off, it's not that I didn't want to post, it's just that I didn't have anything to write about. I could go off on tangents about how people piss me off, but that wouldn't get me anywhere. But speaking of people that piss me off, I have noticed a certain group of drivers that I will dub "Hypocrite Drivers" or "HD's" for short.

These fuckin HD's are the people that drive on your ass when traveling on the freeway, but get behind them on the side streets and they drive like fuckin 18 in a 35. It drives me fuckin crazy. Seriously, I can't fuckin stand it. These people are in such a hurry on the highway that, i guess, when they got off, they are ahead of schedule so they don't see the need to drive the speed limit.

But anyway, I don't want to get angry at these people becasue what is the point of that? Why waste my precious time in getting all huffy about it. Those fuckin jerks. And they act like they can't see you behind them, but you know they can. I can see their fuckin eyes looking back as I wave a nice gesture or two in their direction.

So what do they do then? They fuckin slow down. BASTARDS!

Ok, I'm better. Don't want to talk about that anymore because thats not the point of this post. The point of this post is to reflect on my past. To try and think about my life and how I am doing. My best friend just had a fuckin whopper of a situation thrown on his lap and he handled it pretty well, given the situation. But it's not over yet. There has yet to be a night of drinking to mark this occasion. Maybe next weekend will be that time. Which brings me back to what I had originally wanted to say.

I am a shy person. I know this, my good friends also know this. That said, when a friend of mine gets together with someone he or she likes, I usually don't think anything about it until I meet them. My first impressions are usually right. I have been known to make a mistake here and there, but not likely. I usually tell my friends what I think and thats usually it. They can listen all they want, it's just my opinion. But the thing that kills me most is when I do have a bad first impression and I tell my friend and then it comes true. I hate having this gut instinct that usually tells me what I don't want to hear. Anyway, this post is making me look like I am full of myself, but if you knew me, I am not.

On a lighter note, I think car companies should make extra strength front bumpers on cars so that if some jerkoff is going really slow in front of you, you can ram them. I couldn't tell you how many times that thought has crossed my mind. I mean if I had my old car, the original "BOBSMK1", I wouldn't think twice about ramming that asshole talking on their cell phone.

What a weird post this was. This is what happens when I start to write something and have no idea what I am gonna write about. This is how my brain works. Random thoughts interrupted by random anger for shitty drivers. Thats fucked up.

I hope this has been informative for you folks.

Whoever is reading this remember, what a good breakfast pickles make.

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