Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Awesome, Who Framed Roge...What the FUCK!

Close your eyes.

Imagine it is Christmas morning and you are 7 years old. There is only 1 gift from Santa that you have been looking forward to all night. You see a package that looks like it might be the gift. Butterflies start turning in your stomach as you get excited about opening it up. You know what it is, but you don't want anyone else to know. You grab the present and start to tear into it, only to find out that it's not what you thought.

I had this happen to me when I was 7. That year, Who Framed Roger Rabbit came out on VHS. I wanted it so bad because it was the movie to have at that time. Everyone else was getting that for Christmas, so why would I think differently. I remember waking up that morning, so excited to get to watch that movie, that that was the first present I looked for.

I found a package sticking out of my stocking that resembled a VHS tape wrapped up. Butterflies are starting to fly around in my stomach. I grab it and start to open it up. Now the movie had been out for a while and I knew what the box looked like. But the more I opened up this present, the more I noticed that it didn't look like WFRR.


That is what this box said on it, instead of WFRR. I didn't believe it at first. I looked at my mom and asked her where WFRR was. She didn't get it for me. She got THE LAND OF FUCKING FARAWAY instead! She said it looked neat.


If you ever want to crush a kid, get them THE LAND OF FUCKING FARAWAY for Christmas. I watched that movie once and I have no idea what it is about. I still have it to this day. You would think that I would have destroyed it the first chance that I got, but no. I kept it as a reminder of how shitty a Christmas gift could be.

So if you are out and you happen to see this gem of a movie, get for someone you don't like. It will make you feel better inside, just to know that you gave them a shitty gift. I wonder if this movie would be a good wedding gift? What do you think Gallick?

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