Thursday, July 19, 2007

Fake people

So again I am going to rant about fake people and why they piss me off. This is why I don't make new friends that often, or I usually hate everyone that I meet. Fake people are everywhere. You always have to be on your toes, never let your guard down, even if it means not getting to know someone who is a good person. Usually I can tell when someone is good or not, but lately I have been all over the charts with my findings. Even if it's someone you know but never really hung out with before. These are the worst kind of traps.

Everything is going good, you let your guard down and let that person in, then what happens, you get shit on. Again. Then you think to yourself, why do I let people in who aren't worth it? Because I am a nice person, a nice guy who gets shit on constantly. While these fuckin shallow assholes are there to take over for the nice guy. This is all fine. It's the way life goes for us nice guys. Someday we will have ours. I just don't wanna wait forever.

But getting back to the fake people, they go throughout life never realising what they have done or what they are doing. They don't care about other people's feelings, just their own. Well I say Fuck you to those people. If you weren't so insecure about yourself, then maybe you would give a crap about other people. I don't know if this was how I was raised or just a product of my surroundings growing up, but I do care. To tell ya the truth, I wish i didn't. This is my downfall in life. Everytime I visit my old home town where I went to high school, it just seems that nothing ever changes much. People are the same, the town is shitty, to many scums around, the list is endless. The only reason I keep going back are my family and close friends are still there. But down there, I can't tell if someone is being genuine or not. My intuition is a little off kilter. And that is fucking with me. I usually go by my gut reactions, but my gut has been off lately.

When I am back up where I currently reside, gut reaction is right on most of the time. I hardly ever second guess my gut. I guess this means that I am moving on in my life, growing into a different person. Maybe my gut is telling me not to make decisions when I am back home visiting. I don't know, but it has been messing with me for a while now. Anyway, thats my rant for now. Check back later for your official "How to fuck with the fake people in your life" complete works.

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