Thursday, July 19, 2007

Fake people

So again I am going to rant about fake people and why they piss me off. This is why I don't make new friends that often, or I usually hate everyone that I meet. Fake people are everywhere. You always have to be on your toes, never let your guard down, even if it means not getting to know someone who is a good person. Usually I can tell when someone is good or not, but lately I have been all over the charts with my findings. Even if it's someone you know but never really hung out with before. These are the worst kind of traps.

Everything is going good, you let your guard down and let that person in, then what happens, you get shit on. Again. Then you think to yourself, why do I let people in who aren't worth it? Because I am a nice person, a nice guy who gets shit on constantly. While these fuckin shallow assholes are there to take over for the nice guy. This is all fine. It's the way life goes for us nice guys. Someday we will have ours. I just don't wanna wait forever.

But getting back to the fake people, they go throughout life never realising what they have done or what they are doing. They don't care about other people's feelings, just their own. Well I say Fuck you to those people. If you weren't so insecure about yourself, then maybe you would give a crap about other people. I don't know if this was how I was raised or just a product of my surroundings growing up, but I do care. To tell ya the truth, I wish i didn't. This is my downfall in life. Everytime I visit my old home town where I went to high school, it just seems that nothing ever changes much. People are the same, the town is shitty, to many scums around, the list is endless. The only reason I keep going back are my family and close friends are still there. But down there, I can't tell if someone is being genuine or not. My intuition is a little off kilter. And that is fucking with me. I usually go by my gut reactions, but my gut has been off lately.

When I am back up where I currently reside, gut reaction is right on most of the time. I hardly ever second guess my gut. I guess this means that I am moving on in my life, growing into a different person. Maybe my gut is telling me not to make decisions when I am back home visiting. I don't know, but it has been messing with me for a while now. Anyway, thats my rant for now. Check back later for your official "How to fuck with the fake people in your life" complete works.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

When did this happen?


A word that has different meanings for everyone. What one person thinks to be mature, another thinks it isn't. To me, maturity is being able to let go what you want most. It's having the balls to say,"I really want this, but it just doesn't make sense to why I should have it."

I remember reading somewhere that a person is judged on how they handle difficult times in their life. If this is true, then I must be in front of Simon waiting for him to tell me how horrible my voice is. In the past, this situation would be killing me. I would constantly be thinking and rethinking about it. Day in and day out. I would go to sleep thinking and wake up thinking. What I am trying to say is, I would be thinking about it. A lot.

Well, thanks to the maturing process, I haven't really been thinking about it that much. It's on my mind, but not in the frontal regions, maybe more in the sub-cockal area. Anyway, I have realized that by maturing, I have dealt with things better in my life. Don't get me wrong, this stuff is hard to deal with, but now that I am older things are a little different.

I am what you call an "Emotional Bottler". For those of you who don't know what that is, you're dumb. It means I don't talk about my personal feelings all that often. As I get older, this really isn't the case anymore. Somethings I still don't talk much about, but that is alright. Not everyone needs to know about my business.

I finally realized, through some strong words, that I need to stop bottling things up and just deal with them. I feel that I am a mature enough person to do this. When I was in high school, no way. I was just too immature. But now that I am older, I have to stop hiding behind the excuse that I am not mature enough to deal with my issues. To that I say Fuck It. Does anyone ever want to deal with their problems? I don't know. But I am tired of not dealing with mine. It's time. No way to sugar coat it, things have gone on long enough. It's time to finally grow up and be a man.

So as I am sitting here reading this, I am thinking to myself "Why now?" I can't answer that because I don't know. Most likely, I will come out of this a better person. A stronger person to be exact. That's what I am hoping for.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

This is for those that don't know

For those of you who don't know me, Fuck you. Thats what I have to say to you. For those of you who do know me, Fuck you. One thing that I am sick of is people being fake. Fake people make me puke. If you can't be yourself, all the time, then you shouldn't go out in public at all.

Again, I say Fuck you.

For those who change sides all the time to please someone else, you are only cheating yourself. If you act a certain way around one group and act a completely different way around another group, you are fuckin dumb. Seriously dumb.

To that I say, Fuck you.

Now some who are reading this might think, "Hey fucktard, you sometimes act like that." To that I say, true. I could and should be called a hypocrite for writing this. Everyone knows that there is a nickname out there for me known as "Gay Bob", but this only happens once in a great while and it hasn't happened in a long time. Fuck you, I was watching basketball that one night, seriously. But I have had an awakening, so to speak. What the fuck is the point of being different around different people, when in the long run, it's only going to come back and bite you in the ass anyway.

In high school, we had a friend that would always lie to get out of another lie. This mentatlity will eventually catch up with you. It's the same way of thinking when dealing with being different around different people.

To this, I say Fuck yeah.

It's true that I have been known to maybe get a little different in certain situations, but come on, everyone does it at one time or another. Hear me now, believe me later, I am going to be one person all the time. This shit causes unwanted stress in my life that I don't need at all. Seriously, I mean what I say.

To all the naysayer's, I say Fuck you.

I was in a conversation the other day that made me realize everything that I usually worry about or shit that makes me think a lot, doesn't need to be there. What I mean is, it's brought on myself by myself. I am what you would modestly call an "over-thinker." For those of you who don't know me, that was sarcastic.

For those of you who do, I say Fuck you.

I took the act of over-thinking and made it into an art form. Seriously, I am always over-thinking things when they should just be left alone. I would over-think so much that it would actually get me sick. But then I thought, all the time that I waste fuckin thinking about shit, I could have been doing something fun or relaxing. That's when I realized, why stop my life from happening when I think about something too much? The ONLY things that need to be thought out about are marriage, living with a member of the opposite sex and buying a home/car. The first and third options are no-brainers, but I put living with a member of the opposite sex in at No. 2 because when I did it, I didn't think about it too much. Yeah, well I should have. Thats why, I will probably never live like that again, unless I am married or Nicole feels like living in Chicago.

To anyone else who wants to live with me and they are a girl, I say Fuck you.

Now I did learn a lot during my brief experience living with a girl. This wouldn't be something that I ever regret because I grew a lot from this experience. The big learning experience was realizing a lot of fights we would get into would all stem from nothing. Fighting over a bunch of bullshit like it even mattered in the big picture. For that I am sorry. I learned that girls think guys are mind readers. I learned you don't hang out with your friends nearly enough when you have a significant other waiting at home. I also learned that girls can be really fuckin needy. And by needy I mean, they never give you a chance to have some alone time. Give me a fucking break just because I don't want to hang out with you 24/7 doesn't mean i never want to hang out with you. I need my space as well. But when you tell this to them, they flip out and say things, but not limited to, like this:

Girl: "You must not like me that much, you never want to hang out with me."

Guy: "I fucking live with you, I see you all the time."

Now that guy has fucked up. He shouldn't have led with "fucking." When in a argument with your girlfriend, usuing the word "fucking" is very dangerous. Now the girl thinks he is getting angry. Watch out for the tears. All he needed to say was:

Guy: "I do want to hang out with you, but I just need to be alone right now."

If he would have said this, maybe just maybe, would he have been off the hook. But with a comment like that, the girl is gonna get suspicious about something. Here are a couple questions that might come out of that sentence.

"Do you not love me anymore?" "Is something worng?" "Are you cheating on me?"

Lets choose one of these.

Girl: "Do you not love me anymore?"

Guy: "Where the hell did you come up with that?"

Girl: "You said you like to be alone."

Guy's Mind: "FUCK! This chick is stupid!"

Guy: "I do love you. Don't say that."

Girl: "Then why don't you want to hang out with me?"

And she has you there. If you were to say, I just like being alone once in a while, she would say something about you always wanting to be alone and the fight would blow up from there. This isn't totally fact, but I have experienced this many times.

There are only a few girls that I have met that understand that guys need time alone to do whatever they need to do. I don't know what it is about coming home from work and relaxing by yourself for an hour or two, but it makes a huge difference in my mood. I know I am a moody person, and I am trying to get better.

For those of you who are laughing at me being modest about my moods, I say Fuck you.

Seriously, if I am in a bad mood and you give me an hour to chill or do whatever I want to do, you will have a completely different mood from me. But not if during that hour you are talking to me, then I am still going to be pissed. Leave me the fuck alone. Isn't that what alone time is all about?

This post isn't about anyone specific, so if you are thinking that, Fuck you. This post is about me coming to realize that some of my superpowers, i.e., "over-thinking" aren't really that super at all. This is just a rant about how I came to a realization about myself and how I am maturing as a person. I know that it's funny to think about, me maturing. To that I say Fuck you.